Six computers are available on a first come first serve basis for a maximum of two hours per day. Users are granted one hour upon initial login, an additional hour can be granted if there are no reservations pending.
If all public computers are in use, patrons may reserve the next available computer at the reservation station. Reservations can not be made in advance.
Patrons must have their library cards with them to use the computers and there must be less than $10 in fines on your patron record.
Printer copies are $0.10 per page for black and white.
WiFi is available throughout the library at no cost. No passwords are required to access the WiFi. Please notify staff if you are not able to connect successfully.
Printing is currently unavailable for WiFi users.
Internet Use
Internet users are not allowed to engage in any activity which:
● Seeks to gain unauthorized access to the resources of the library or Internet databases
● Violates, compromises, or destroys the integrity of any library computer based information
● Wastes any resources through such actions
● Compromises the privacy of any user
● Disrupts the library environment
● Violates local, state and/or federal laws. Unlawful use could result in the library taking legal action and the revocation of any Internet privileges.
● Violates copyright laws applying to files, software or other internet resources and all other library policies regarding internet and computer use.
Library Card
To register for a MORE card, applicants must have a valid form of identification; driver’s license, student ID, any official ID or recent non-personal piece of mail is acceptable. Non-Wisconsin residents and Summer residents are welcome and encouraged to use the library!
Photocopies are $ 0.10 per page.
Copies are black and white only
Staff assistance is available.
Faxes are $0.25 for each page sent or received.
There is not charge to scan an item to send to an email address.
Tax Forms
Federal and WI state tax forms are available at no cost at the library throughout the year.
Instructions for forms are available at the standard printer copy rate of $ 0.10 per page.