Book Donations
Book donations are accepted at any time. We do not accept donations of VHS tapes or items that are moldy or musty.
Volunteering opportunities vary. Please contact the director if you are interested.
Lending Periods
These loan periods are for libraries within MORE library consortium.
Movies: 7 days
Magazines: 7 days
New adult fiction: 14 days .
“New fiction” are items published within the last 6 months. Several libraries enforce a 14 day loan period for new items.
Books, audiobooks, music, kits and all other circulating material: 21 days
Internet stations: 2 hours maximum per day
Any one item may be renewed 2 times for the length of the original lending period, beginning on the date of the renewal, providing there are no holds .
Renewal options:
Contact the library at 715-472-2770 and ask us to renew your items for you over the phone or in person.
Renew your items yourself from the MORE online catalog.
Renew using the Automated Telephone Renewal Service by calling toll-free 1-866-697-3639 or 1-866-MYRENEW.
Have your library card ready and the last four digits of the item(s) you wish to renew.
You may renew selected items or “renew all”. Stay on the line! If you choose to renew all of your items, each item must be acknowledged with the new due date by the Automated voice. If you hang up before the end of the list, the unacknowledged items will not be renewed.
Overdue Materials
Books, audiobooks, music cd, kits, and magazines: $0.10 per day for each day they are overdue
Movies (DVD or VHS): $1.00 per day for each day they are overdue.
(As of June 2010, movies owned by the Luck Library are only $0.25 per day)
Fine policies may vary at individual libraries. Several libraries have additional processing fees for damaged or lost items.
Library items returned to the Luck Library after business hours on the day they are due will be checked in on the next business day and will incur the corresponding fine. Overdue fines can be paid with check or cash at the Luck Library. Fine payments can also be made online through the
Lost or damaged items
Replacement costs of lost/damaged materials must be paid to the library that owned the item. Checks must be made out and sent to the owning library by the patron. Payments can also be made online through the MORE website. The Luck library no longer accepts payment for replacement items from other libraries. This applies only to Replacement fines and not Overdue fines, which are still collected at the Luck
Library for items from other libraries.
Blocks on patron accounts
When fines exceed $10.00 in a patrons account, a block will be placed on the account.
Once the account is blocked, all library priviliges will be suspended until the amount is brought below $10.00.
These privileges include checking out any library materials, renewing materials, and using the public access computers.